Thursday, February 18, 2016

How to Get Motivated and Stay Focused

Keep a Journal
Writing your goals down will help you focus on exactly what you want to achieve. Whether it’s weight loss or trying to live a healthier lifestyle, you can customize your journal according to your objective. Recording workouts and diet is a great way to stay on track. Everyone has days when all they want to do is sit on the couch and binge eat  on sweets. Use your notebooks as a diary and write when you feel these cravings. It’s also a good idea to document how you feel after exercising. Reviewing past entries will remind you how great your mind and body felt afterwards.
Accountability Buddy
When you struggle to get off the couch, schedule a date with a friend whose fitness level is near your own. Days when you feel unmotivated to put your running shoes on, call on your workout partner. You can motivate each other and surely thank the other one later. Having someone to push your limits will help you reach your goal that much faster.
Before and After Photos
Take a full body photo or several before you start your fitness journey. (Remember, you’re not comparing yourself to others, but only yourself) This should be about your transformation. Take progress photos every week. You will be able to visibly see the improved results of your health, which will help you keep going!
Reward Yourself
You should reward yourself after each milestone you accomplish. For example, if you complete a week of ab training, buy yourself a new pair of running shoes, or a new beauty product you’ve been wanting to try. This is incentive to give it your all every week.
Make Exercise Fun
Although working out sounds like excruciating work, it should be fun. Enjoying 30 minutes a day to yourself to be one with your body and mind is refreshing. You can put on a cute workout outfit and favorite pair of Nike’s. Your athletic wear will make you feel like you are running a marathon. Turn on some music that makes you want to dance and viola! Instant body motivation. If you’re trying to catch up on binge watching on Netflix, press play on your show and begin your workout.
Work With A Well Rested Body
All your hard work will only go to waste if you do not properly rest and hydrate your body. Typically, you need 8 hours of sleep every night and drink plenty of water. However, you don’t have to force yourself to drink 8 glasses of tasteless H2O. Try adding natural flavors to make it bearable. Fresh fruits like strawberries, cucumbers and lemon can turn any glass of water into a tropical paradise.